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Monday, March 17, 2008

An end to the paperwork nightmares

Well it is time to do a brief update on things that happened in Taipei. It is Monday morning in Wisconsin, and yes, we are home-it is so good to be here too, but I could skip the 12:30 am wakeup from our son. Oh well, it is now 2:30, hopefully he will be ready for a nap pretty soon-I know I am.

We are very confused about everything that happened in Taiwan concerning the paperwork. We have been told many different things, and none of the stories completely line-up, so I think to sum it all up, we will just say-for any adoptive parents who will be traveling, make very sure AIT has everything they need before you travel-I really would have rather left the states a week later, and that is what AIT told us they requested from TWCA-it is much easier, cheaper, and tons less pressure on you when paperchasing from this side of the Pacific, especially when it is elusive, evasive and unresponsive government agencies you are trying to tie down and get info from.

I am a bit saddened by the way things went, you really want to believe your government cares about you, but in the end, we are just feeling blessed to have only spent one extra day compared to the extra 5-6 they originally were telling us.

I will be posting more over the next few days about our time spent in Taiwan. For now, I will post a couple pictures, and hopefully get back to sleep for awhile.

Playing with new toys is just as much fun for the big kids and the little one

Tyler's first bath with us

Our first day in the hotel-someone likes his finger when he is tired


Chris and Family


Tisra said...

Congratulations on being HOME! I pray that adjustment struggles get smoother and smoother each day, and that the Lord is your source of strength, peace, rejuvenation and rest. What a gorgeous family!

waiting for referral

Shana said...

Mia does that same thing with her fingers but she does it when she is unsure of her surroundings. Whenver I see the finger in the mouth I know it is time to comfort her and make her feel safe.

I wish I would have know to check with AIT before we travelled. While we weren't delayed it was only because we had a 5 day gap between Gotcha Day and AIT appointment. I was so frustrated by the whole system also and we didn't go through nearly as much as you did.

Glad you are home and Tyler is getting some much needed family time.

Lori said...

So happy that you are home and just took a moment to look at the recent photos you posted. I just LOVE the first family photo...everyone is so happy - you are all glowing! Praying that Tyler begins to accept your love and comfort.