then, there is always the too much to do scenario-farm, kids, garden, house, yard, homeschool, laundry, meals, friends??, family???, who has time to clean an office, much less file paperwork away, and keep up with the email groups, and actually mail letters and notes to friends I haven't seen for ages-UGH!!
I did spend a delightful time in the garden today-both my 9 yr olds learned to run the tiller today, and boy do they think they are smart. Of course, I had a 3 1/2 yr old who thought he should be out there too, but he settled for a 1/2 hour ride on the lawn mower while I tried to knock down some of the grass in our 5 acres of lawn-double UGH!!
I need to load a few photos to get caught up from the last few weeks, then maybe we can start fresh with some sunshiney, bright pictures of Spring in Wisconsin!!
I also can't believe the stress over having a blog that I just don't take the time to write in as much as I planned-for some reason, I envisioned wonderful posts, filled with family updates, homeschool updates, etc-and all I end up with is -where do I fit this in???
Something has to give, somewhere-and yes, I am praying about it

I am not sure I ever mentioned this, but my 2 oldest LOVE to read, and I loved reading to them when we first got them home-they spend hours a week reading anything and everything. The first few times we tried reading with Tyler, yikes, disaster-he would not, could not, sit still. I though, OH NO, this one is never going to like books.
Well, how very wrong I was-the first trip to the library, Kendell and I brought home a bunch of board books, and he proceeded to pile them in BaBa's chair, climb up into it, and "read" his books-and guess what, after 2 months, he LOVES being read to, and loves to get his own books and "read" in bed like big brother and sis do before nap time!
I just love seeing all your kids reading!!! What a treat!
Good luck reducing stress, always difficult!
I don't know how you handle all of your responsiblities but you sure seem to do it with ease. I know it seems stressful to you but, wow, you amaze me! You are doing a great job with the blog and I am so happy everytime I see an update.
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