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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

We have a video of Isaiah

I will try to put our video on the blog-If I can't put the video clip on, I will at least get the link up so everyone can see how great our little man is doing.
We are blessed
Chris and family


Debberoo said...

So, so sweet and what a handsome little guy!

Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

what a handsome boy!!! how old is he???


Chris said...

Thanks Tami and Deb,
I think he is very handsome too-
he is 3 1/2 and at Jonah House
He will be 4 in Sept-I sure hope he is home by that time!!

Annie said...

Chris, this video was so precious to watch! He is so agile and patiently accomplishes his tasks! What a sweetheart! I bet you can't wait to bring him home!

Shana said...

I love this video of his school life!! Isaiah is so handsome, really:) I just wanted to cuddle with him!!