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We are glad you stopped by, we hope you are blessed, and enjoy your stay. We discuss a little bit of everthing here, from homeschool, parenting, adoption, farming, our faith, and our plain lifestyle. May God Bless Your Day!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

"In Process"

Don't you just love all the lingo with China adoptions?
Goodness, I don't think I will ever have it all figured out-
BUT, I do know our paperwork has been moved to a new status-that of
IN PROCESS-meaning we are in examination mode now, waiting for some very kind, smart, wonderful reviewer of adoption papers in Ch!na to APPROVE us for our 2 girls!!
Our Caseworker says things will go fast from here
I am praying so!
Some blog friends have been waiting over 100 days for their LOA's!
Some have received them in 38-40 days:)
Guess which I am hoping for?
We are going to get a care package together for Lilianna, and we have asked for an update from her orphanage. I so can't wait to see a new picture of her, and find out how she is doing-we feel like we don't even really have a clue about her, but trusting God to knit our hearts together before we even get there.
I am sorry for the lack of photos lately-my laptop has been in surgery-now it is awaiting me to retrieve it-so, we will upload a few pictures of Rosalyn
I haven't gotten any new pics of sweet Rose lately, but we will just keep digging through our collection we have gotten over the last few months-I think maybe one of her very early pics? We will see what I find!
Hopefully soon I will be able to do a big post on our end of summer activities, and you can see how much my 2 little boys are growing up and changing, right before our eyes!
Until then, May God Bless You ALL!
In Him
            Oh my sweet girl, we have missed out on so much of your life, 
but we sure hope to enjoy sharing our life with you very soon!
May God keep you safe until we bring you home--sigh!

                                love all the smiles at their little table! Can you say HAPPY?
Some fun during a family singing! I can just hear the giggles and laughs going on, can't you?
Until next time....and I found a f ew more pictues in my "archives" I hadn't seen for awhile, so now I have something else to use if my laptop doesn't come home soon  :)

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